সোমবার, ২০ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১০

How Did They All Get My Address?

While  your  mother  may have told you that a  person's  mail  is

private, in this day of computerized mailing lists, your name and

address   certainly  aren't.  Chances  are,   your   mailbox   is

overflowing with catalogs, sale notices, prize offers  and  other

"deals" which you never requested and may not want.

If  you  do not want others to have access to your name,  address

and  buying habits, or if you are tired of throwing away unwanted

mail,  there  are several steps you can take to get  off  mailing

lists.  You must be persistent, and you won't get rid of it  all.

But  you  can  substantially reduce the amount of junk  mail  you


How  did I get on these lists in the first place? How can  I  get


Every time you provide your name and address to receive a product

or  service, there's a good chance you are being added to one  or

more  mailing  lists. When you buy a car, have  a  baby,  make  a

purchase  from a catalog, give money to a charity or fill  out  a

product registration card, your name is likely to be entered into

a computer data base.

Public  records.  When  you make virtually  any  major  lifestyle

change,  a  government agency records the event. Many such  files

are  open  to the public, including: birth certificates, marriage

licenses,  home  sales records, and the Post Office's  change  of

address  form. Public records are one way companies selling  baby

items,  for example, can mail advertisements to new parents  just

days after the birth of a child.

      Mail-reduction  tips.  You usually cannot  have  government

records about you kept confidential. Therefore, contact companies

individually  when they put you on a mailing list  compiled  from

public records. For example, if you buy a house and receive  home

improve-ment and insurance solicitations you do not want, you can

do three things: (1) Write to the company and ask to be taken off

its   mailing  list.  (2)  Envelopes  with  "Address   Correction

Requested"  or  "Return  Postage  Guaranteed"  can  be   returned

unopened  by writing "Refused--Return to Sender" on the envelope.

The company will have to pay the return postage. (3) If there  is

a postage-paid return envelope, put all of the information in the

return  envelope  with a note that you wish  to  have  your  name

removed from the mailing list.

The  Post  Office makes its change of address file  available  to

major  mailing  list companies. To avoid receiving  solicitations

aimed at "new movers," contact friends, family and companies with

whom  you  do  business directly and do not  fill  out  the  Post

Office's change of address form.

Mail order, credit cards and magazines. If you are on the mailing

list  of one mail order company, you are likely to be on the list

of  several. Most mail order firms "rent" their mailing  list  to

other  businesses.  Many credit card companies  also  rent  their

mailing lists, as do magazines. Therefore, if you subscribe to  a

cooking  magazine,  you may find yourself  receiving  mail  order

catalogs for kitchen supplies and food specialties.

       Mail-reduction   tips.  Write  to  the  Direct   Marketing

Association's  (DMA)  Mail Preference  Service,  P.O.  Box  9008,

Farmingdale,  NY 11735. Tell the DMA you do not want  to  receive

catalogs  and other promotional material through the  mail.  They

will  put  you into the "delete" file which is sent to the  DMA's

member organizations four times a year.

Companies  that  do  not  participate  in  the  Direct  Marketing

Association  program  must  be  contacted  directly.  Notify  the

company's customer service department and request that your  name

and  address  not  be  provided to other companies.  Be  sure  to

contact  magazines to which you subscribe as well  as  charities,

nonprofit  organizations and community groups to which  you  have

either donated money or joined.

Many  credit card companies will delete your name from the  lists

they rent and sometimes even from the list they use to send their

own   promotional  materials  to  their  customers.  (They  will,

however,  continue to send you your bill.) Write to the  customer

service  department  and request your name be  removed  from  the

lists they rent to others and from their "in-house" mailing list.

Credit  bureaus.  Companies with whom  you  do  business  provide

information  to credit bureaus on how much you owe, how  promptly

you  pay  your bills and the types of purchases you  make.  While

many  credit  bureaus rent lists, they do not  disclose  specific

information such as what you owe or to whom. Rather, they compile

lists  based on consumer characteristics. An example would  be  a

list  of  people who have an income of over $30,000 a  year,  use

credit  cards  and pay their bills on time. If you  fall  into  a

category such as this, you may receive "pre-approved" credit card

offers in the mail.

      Mail-reduction tips. The three major credit reporting firms

are:  Equifax, Trans Union and TRW. Write to each and ask  to  be

removed from their marketing mailing lists.

     o    Equifax  Options,  Equifax Marketing Decision  Systems,

          Inc., P.O. Box 740123, Atlanta, GA 30374-0123.

     o    Trans  Union - 555 West Adams St., 8th Floor,  Chicago,

          IL 60661.

     o    TRW,  Target  Marketing Services Division,  Attn:  Mail

          Preference Service,

          901 N. International Parkway, Suite 191, Richardson, TX


Registration   cards.   Be  aware  that  warranty   or   "product

registration" cards have less to do with warranties than they  do

with  mailing  lists. These cards may ask you  what  hobbies  you

have,  how  many people are in your household and your  household

income--information  the company obviously does  not  require  to

guarantee the product.

Such  registration cards are generally not mailed to the  company

that  manufactured the product, but to a post office box  of  the

National Demographics and Lifestyles Company in Denver, Colorado.

This company compiles buyer profiles and sells the information to

other companies for marketing purposes.

      Mail-reduction tips. When you buy a product, don't fill out

the product registration card. In most cases your receipt ensures

that you are covered by the warranty if the product is defective.

If you decide to send the registration card, include only minimal

information--name, address, date of purchase and  product  serial

number.  (For some products you may want the company  to  have  a

record of your purchase in case there is a safety recall.)

Also, write to National Demographics and Lifestyles and ask  them

to delete you from their mailing lists: National Demographics and

Lifestyles,  List Order Department, 1621 18th Street,  Suite  300

Denver, Colorado 80202.

Price  scanners. A new way of compiling mailing lists  and  buyer

profiles is through price scanners. Scanners help businesses keep

track  of  their  inventory and speed service  at  the  check-out

counter.  They  can  also  be used to  link  your  name  to  your

purchases, especially if you are using the store's "buyers  club"


When  this card is "swiped" through the card reader at the check-

out  stand, your name and address, stored in the card's  magnetic

strip,  are matched against a record of the scanned items. Stores

generally  offer  product discounts as an incentive  to  use  the


The  store  may  use this information to mail coupons  and  other

special  offers  to  you and share the information  with  product

manufacturers. So, for example, if you buy one type  of  soda  at

the  grocery  store you might receive coupons from a  rival  soft

drink company to induce you to switch brands.

     Mail-reduction tips. If you do not want information compiled

about  your  personal  buying habits through  the  use  of  price

scanners, don't participate in the store's "buyers club." You may

also  want  to  pay cash at businesses which use scanners,  since

technology  may allow the company to store your name and  address

if you pay by check or credit card.

Phone  books.  If  you  are listed in  the  White  Pages  of  the

telephone book, your name, address and phone number are, for  all

practical purposes, public record. Mailing list companies collect

this  information  and  sell  it  to  mail  order  companies  and

marketing  firms.  In  addition to the  White  Pages,  the  phone

company  and  other  companies compile directories  organized  by

address  and phone number rather than by name. If you are  listed

in  the White Pages, you are also in one or more of these "street

address directories."

     Mail-reduction tips. If you are concerned about keeping your

name and address private, consider having an unlisted number.  Or

request  that the local phone company publish just your name  and

phone  number and omit your address. In addition, ask  the  phone

company   to  remove  your  listing  from  its  "street   address

directory."  Also,  write  to the major directory  companies  and

request that your listing be removed:

     o    Haines  & Co., Criss-Cross Directory, 2382 East  Walnut

          Ave., Fullerton,

          CA 92631.

     o    R.  L. Polk & Co., List Compilation & Development, 6400

          Monroe Blvd., Taylor, MI 48180-1814.

     o    Rueben  H.  Donnelley Corp., 287 Bowman Ave., Purchase,

          NY 10577.

Mailing  list  companies. There are a number of  companies  which

purchase   and  collect  information  from  government   records,

telephone   books,  association  membership  rosters  and   other

sources.  They compile mailing lists and sell them for  marketing


      Mail-reduction tips. To be removed from the  lists  of  the

major companies that sell mailing lists, write to these firms:

     o    R.L.  Polk  &  Company, List Compilation & Development,

          6400 Monroe Blvd., Taylor, MI 48180-1814.

     o    Donnelley  Marketing, Inc., Data Base Operations,  1235

          "N" Ave., Nevada, IA 50201-1419.

     o    Metromail  Corp.,  List  Maintenance,  901  West  Bond,

          Lincoln, NE 68521.

     o    Database   America,  Comp.  Dept.,  100  Paragon   Dr.,

          Montvale, NJ 07645-0419.

     o    Dunn  &  Bradstreet,  Customer Svc.,  899  Eaton  Ave.,

          Bethleham, PA 18025.

What if I only want to stop part of my junk mail?

Junk mail is only junk when you don't want to receive it. You may

want to be on some mailing lists.

If  you  want  to receive some of this mail, do not  contact  the

Direct  Marketing Association and ask to be taken off all mailing

lists.  Rather, notify companies individually and tell  them  you

want your name removed from their lists. Also, tell the companies

you  do  business with to keep your name and address  private.  A

growing  number of businesses which rent their mailing lists  are

including statements in their catalogs to let you know  you  have

this option.

হইতে মো. রানা হামিদ রাজশাহী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় কম্পিউটার সায়েন্স এন্ড ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং বিভাগ।

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